Saturday, July 27

The Benefits & Fact of Sunlight to the Body

Despite the benefits & fact that we spend only a few months a year outside, we can benefit from the natural vitamin D produced by the sun. We get our vitamin D from the sun’s UVB rays, which have only present from April to September. Since vitamin D production has highly dependent on stored amounts of vitamin D, our bodies benefit greatly from being exposed to sunlight. Moreover, sunlight has many other benefits as well, such as reducing blood pressure, promoting calcium absorption, lowering the risk of skin cancer, and boosting serotonin levels.

Benefits of blood pressure

During the summer, exposure to the sun has associated with reduced blood pressure. While this relationship has not exact, it does exist. Blood pressure reductions are associated with higher levels of Vitamin D. Researchers found that for every 10 percent increase in vitamin D, an eight percent decrease in hypertension was observed. Blood pressure tends to fluctuate from season to season. Winter weather can cause elevated pressure, while increased exposure to sunlight during the summer months can lower pressure.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh monitored blood pressures of study subjects as they sat under UV-emitting sun lamps for two 20-minute sessions. The first session included heat exposure as well as UV rays. The second session only exposed study participants to heat. Researchers noted a significant decrease in blood pressure following the second session. This effect has seen in all four study groups, regardless of age or gender. Although the exact mechanism is still unknown, the benefits of sunlight have a big plus for those suffering from high blood pressure.


Benefits of calcium absorption

Vitamin D is a necessary vitamin for optimal calcium absorption. Without enough vitamin D, the bones become weak and may become susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis. The good news is that you can get a vitamin D supplement orally, which converts to its active form, which promotes optimal calcium absorption. If you can’t get enough sunlight, try getting outside for a few minutes a day.

In wintertime, sunlight has less effective in improving calcium absorption, and it raises blood pressure. The reason for this has that the sun causes the production of vitamin D. When the body produces Vitamin D, it triggers the synthesis of parathyroid hormone, which raises blood pressure. High blood pressure can also lead to cardiovascular diseases. So, if you want to avoid the bad effects of calcium in the winter, try getting outside for a couple of hours each day.

Reduces risk of skin cancer

Vitamin A, retinol, and carotenoids have known to reduce the risk of skin cancer. These nutrients have found in foods, but some people don’t realize that they can also reduce the risk of skin cancer through consumption. If you’re planning to go on vacation this summer, you should aware of the risks of skin cancer and how to protect yourself from them. The following have some tips that will help you lower your risk.

In order to reduce the risk of developing melanoma, you should avoid sunbeds and avoid getting sunburned. Research has also shown that staying away from the sun and avoiding sunburns reduces the risk of developing the disease. It has estimated that one in 20 people with melanoma have a family history of the disease. Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have now identified gene mutations that have linked to the disease. These mutations occur in a specific gene called POT1, which protects the chromosomes from damage. Researchers hope this discovery will lead to improved methods for screening skin cancer in its early stages.

Reduces serotonin levels

When you take several medications that affect serotonin levels in the body, it’s possible that the imbalance will result in the development of serotonin syndrome. If you’ve already tried one, make sure to tell your doctor about all of your medications and discuss potential side effects. Also, don’t stop taking any medications by yourself. It’s also important to disclose all medications to your doctor when they prescribe new ones.

Serotonin has a chemical produced in the brain and spinal cord. It regulates many functions of the body, including attention and behavior. It also controls blood flow, body temperature, digestion, and breathing. Serotonin has produced in the brain and has released into the bloodstream by nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. When levels in the blood rise, it narrows arterioles, slowing down blood flow. This has important for healing wounds.

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